GRAVEL TECH .USA® .......................... A Division of Gravel Tech USA LLC-®--- |
Gravel Driveway Restoration Without New
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Serving the Greater Cincinnati Area, Northern KY, & ALL Surrounding Counties. Are you tired of spending hundreds, perhaps thousands of Dollars on new gravel every year or so ? If you have ever tried to RAKE gravel into the Potholes, you now realize how Hard it is, & how futile the extreme effort can be.
Be It Either by Inheritance, Choice, or Economic Circumstance,over time potholes
begin to appear, washboard forms, & the gravel seems to just disappear...
After a while, you realize somethingiimust be done.
You most likely already know how expensive it is to order new gravel year after year,
but WAIT !
There IS another Solution !
Why not start with the gravel that you Already Have ?NONE of the Driveways in our Photos have Required ANY .New Gravel.
The Procedure: After an assessment is made, we'll send out a Tractor with an attachment that is pulled behind. Making several passes, your driveway will be scored out to a depth of approximately 3"- 5 " by hardened "scarifiers", ie; Rippers . The gravel is then mixed back together, and immediately spread back out by a leveling blade. This effectively digs around & through any potholes & washboard, completely removing them, not just filling them in. More importantly, minimizing "layering" - putting a loose topping over a compacted substrate. Finally, a 4000 lb steel roller is used to compact the newly reclaimed surface. As rains seep down, it even further compresses the gravel & finer particles in the redressed surface. It's a simple process, but it really works ! The Results:
None of the driveways in any of our pictures required any new gravel.
REALTORS :If you're selling a home, this is by far the least expensive choice to
completely restore an aging driveway in preparation for showing.