GRAVEL TECH® ....................................A Division of Gravel Tech USA LLC ® |
Gravel Driveway Restoration Without New
Ohio:513 703-3672 Kentucky 859 250-8626
......................................Dramatic Results in Just a Few Hours ................................These are Real Pictures Done by GRAVEL TECH® ,of the Dramatic Change You can Expect. .......................................................Each picture is a before & after of different driveways. ................................................................................The same day.
..... .............................................................Restoration removes most of the Grass. *
.......................................Potholes are dug around & through, redistributing & releveling the driveway. ........................................... .......................................................................Old driveways look new again.
.All for a Fraction of the cost of New Gravel Ohio: 513 703-3672 Kentucky: 859 250-8626
*A large amount of grass in a driveway will result in the exact same outcome, however, possibly not quite as visually appealing.
Once a drive becomes out of hand with too much mud, grass, or even not enough gravel to begin with; more gravel would be recommended. This would be noted & revealed during the assessment.